The Director of Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Police Service, DCOP Faustina Kwofie, stands accused of allegedly scheming to takeover lands belonging to the Anorkwei and Tuaka families at East Legon in Accra.
They are therefore appealing to the President, Nana Addo and the Inspector General, Dr. George Dampare to call her to order.
The principal elders of Anorkwei and Tuaka families who spoke to this paper accused DCOP Faustina Kwofie of using police personnel to eject them from their property, relying on an Order of Possession which had already been quashed by the Supreme Court in judgement delivered on November 10, 2020.
In that judgement, the Supreme Court ruled that the High Court Judge which granted the Order for Possession on June 20, 2020 “was bereft with jurisdiction in re-opening the case under the guise of interpreting the judgement and went completely outside his jurisdiction in a case that judgement had been delivered by him about five years ago. We therefore proceed to quash the proceedings of the 24th June, 2020, and same is hereby quashed.”
This paper can confirm that a team from the National Police Criminal Investigation Department in their Rambo style claimed to have been deployed to the land site by the Director General of the CID DCOP Faustina Andoh Kwofie, who is alleged to be fighting to forcefully takeover the land in the interest of her brother, one Ben Kwofie.
The police CID operations team, the paper gathered, went to the land site with the same Order of Possession which, reportedly has been quashed.
The land owners are calling on the IGP to call DCOP Faustina Kwofie to order and that as legal owners of the land, they would not sit idly by and see their property being taken over by somebody because he or she wields certain authority in the police service.